Get Research DataSeptember 1, 2023The data services offered by the Center for Health Informatics (CHI) within the Department of Biomedical Informatics have been restructured to reduce complexity, lower costs, and increase throughput. There are now additional services available (see the comprehensive chart below). The CHI is a university service core that is subsidized by the CCTST. All services that fall under the “Standard Services” category are 50% subsidized by the CCTST at a fixed cost within a reasonable scope of effort. This is a change from the previous “20-hour credit per investigator”. To earn the 50% subsidized (discount) rate, you must simply be a CCTST Member.By involving faculty from BMI or budgeting core services on grants, many fees are waived. BMI has successfully helped investigators win grants by having BMI faculty associated with the grant. Alternatively, you can budget CHI services in the grant. Either way, including ‘clinical informatics expertise’ may help grantsmanship and ensure the data needed is assured.Requesting Data:Service requests are now facilitated by a new ‘shopping cart’ method similar to other online shopping experiences. Users will no longer start the process at the CCTST website but will utilize the CHI Researcher Portal.Each user will have their own personal portal where they can review their orders, check the status of a project, or request additional services. The portal is designed to facilitate the majority of your clinical research data needs. The CHI works very closely with the Office of Research/IRB to ensure you acquire the highest quality, compliant data at the most affordable rates.Note: To request data, you must also agree to the "terms and conditions" at checkout.Hourly rates as of October 1, 2023 :Data Services: $97.00Application & Technology Development: $97.00Health Analytics: currently, no services providedServices (Go to CHI Shopping Cart)CCTST MembersOthers General ConsultNo CostNo costGrant Writing ParticipationNo cost—standard faculty/scholarly effortData for Grant SubmissionWhere BMI services or Faculty % effort is budgetedCohort Identification ConsultNo cost—consult to explain numerous options Study Feasibility using TriNetXStandard(50% subsidized by CCTST) $97$194Study Feasibility using Slicer Dicer$194$388Study Feasibility directly from Epic$194$388Protocol Feasibility Consult$194$388Data Extraction w/Fully Identified Data1, 6$388$776Data Extraction w/De-Identified Data1$388$776Data Extraction w/Limited Data1, 6$388$776 Text Mining Using EMERSE Tool2, 3Premium$388MyChart RecruitmentCost estimatedHarvest deploymentCost estimatedCustom Tools & Dashboards4Cost estimatedRegistry DevelopmentCost estimatedClinical Data AnalysisCost estimatedArtificial IntelligenceCost estimatedGeocoding / Statistical Computing ToolsCost estimatedClinical Datamarts and RegistriesCost estimatedREDCap Development & ManagementCost estimated 1 All requests are reviewed to ensure they are within reason and/or are addressed on a case-by-case basis.2 Cancer-related requests are provided at no cost per NCI grant Aims.3 The first two requests are provided at no cost to demonstrate the power.4 Plus maintenance and data storage costs.5 Data for partnered grant applications only—CHI is the agent.6 Requires an electronically signed Data Usage Agreement (DUA).You may contact CHI with any preliminary questions regarding the capabilities, processes, clarification, etc.