About the Program
PhD Program Deadlines:
December 1 (non-binding early action)
February 15 (general admission)

The Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Informatics is a cornerstone for a program of academic excellence in informatics at UC and its affiliate hospitals. Leveraging partnerships between the UC College of Medicine, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, and the UC College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the program provides an in-depth knowledge of key analytical concepts for applications of informatics and biomedical data science, ranging from molecules to individuals and populations.
Our students come from a variety of backgrounds in areas such as math, biology, computer science, engineering, bioengineering, and statistics, among others.
Qualified PhD students accepted to the program typically receive full tuition support, a nationally competitive stipend and a health insurance plan. The program is committed to provide strong interdisciplinary mentorship and an environment supporting research and career development.
From genomic to clinical data, from child to adult health care, with a leading pediatric research center and one of the nation’s first medical colleges, we are making a difference in people's lives. You can too.
Student Research
Beginning in their first semester, our students are involved in many research projects. Over the year, they have the opportunity to present at various conferences, focus groups, classes, and more. Below are some photos of our students presenting their personal research.

Apply Now
Successful applicants to the program typically have a strong quantitative and/or computational background and a keen interest in biomedical informatics or a related discipline. Apply now to be part of this exciting chapter and to become a leader in biomedical informatics research.
Contact Us
Graduate Programs inBiostatistics, Health Informatics & Data Sciences
3333 Burnet Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039
Mail Location: 7024
Phone: 513-636-6250
Email: Biomedical Informatics Graduate